Axis & Allies: Enhanced v1.2




1. 15 Victory Cities

            -Caucasus (Rus), Australia (UK), and Hawaii (US) are added as Victory Cities for a total of 15

            -Allies start with 9/15 VC, Axis starts with 6/15 VC

            -Allies need 11/15 VC at the end of a ROUND (ie. US TURN) to win

            -Axis need 10/15 VC at the end of a ROUND (ie. US TURN) to win

2. Reduced Costs for IC

             -Industrial Complexes now cost 12IPC

3. LHTR rules apply

            -This variant uses LHTR rules (including Delayed Tech) unless otherwise stated

            -The National Advantages listed here are the only ones available for game play

4. Convoy Raids

            -Due to their heavier dependence on convoys for shipping, UK, US, and Japan are subject to Convoy Raids.  These are economic attacks, conducted by subs, close to enemy shipping lanes (i.e. near an IC).  Russian and German ICs are not subject to such attacks. 

            -On the UK, US, and Japan Collect Income Phases, for every Enemy SUB within 1 SZ of (i.e. directly adjacent to) an IC owned by that respective country, subtract 2IPC from their collected income. For every Enemy SUB within 2 SZ of an IC, subtract 1IPCIf a SUB became submerged during this TURN's Conduct Combat Phase, it does not do any economic damage.

            -Multiple SUBs may affect a single IC, with damage capped at the Territory's IPC value.  Any individual SUB, can only affect one IC/TURN, but may affect multiple ICs/ROUND (e.g. a German SUB in SZ 8 cannot affect UK ICs in both UK and Canada on the same TURN.  It can however, affect the UK IC on UK's Collect Income Phase, and then the EUS IC on US's Collect Income Phase later in the ROUND)

5. D-Day Invasion

             -Once during the game, at the start of UK's turn, you may declare a D-Day Invasion.  D-Day invasion cannot be used until at least Round 4 (for 1944), and can only target Western Europe

            -Conduct your UK turn as normal, including combat and non-combat for any units you do not anticipate participating in the D-Day invasion.  Keep in mind that any units that move this turn, be it combat or non-combat, cannot participate.  Also, units purchased this turn cannot be used either. 

            -On the US turn, the US player uses your eligible units in his combat and non-combat moves together with his own units.  UK units can only be used in an attack on Western Europe. 

            -You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties, or the opposing player gets to choose them. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units.  Techs or NAs still only apply to the units of the power that has them. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.
6. Nonagression Treaty

            -as per LHTR

7. Atlantic Wall

            -as per LHTR

8. Bid for the Axis

            -Both players send a bid to a neutral 3rd party (or automated bid server).  The bid represents how many additional IPCs you feel you need, to make for a balanced game playing the Axis (the less confident you feel with the Axis, the higher you should bid).  The player bidding lower plays Axis.  1/2 of the player's bid (rounded down), may be spent on units to be placed prior to game start, for either Germany or Japan.  Any remaining IPCs not spent on units, can be distributed between Germany and Japan as cash to be spent first turn.




1. Heavy Bombers

            -Your bombers are now Heavy Bombers.  They roll 2 dice in attack and SBR (as per original AH rules)

            -the combined total of all economic attacks (SBR, Rockets, Subs) on a territory, are limited to that territory's IPC value per TURN

2. Jet Fighters

            -Your fighters are now Jet Fighters.  Their defense increases to 5, their SBR defense increases to 1, and they cannot be hit by antiaircraft gun fire (including Battleships with Combined Arms).

            -For EACH FTR in a territory undergoing SBR, you may roll a single die at 1, to "intercept" (i.e. immediately destroy) an incoming bomber.  This occurs in the Conduct Opening Fire phase, after any antiaircraft gun fire, if present.

3. Super Subs

            -Your subs are now Super Subs.  Their attack increases to 3, and they gain the Crash Dive ability.

            -During the Conduct Opening Fire phase, DEFENDING SUBs may elect to forego their sneak attack, and crash dive instead. The SUB submerges immediately and is out of the battle.  An enemy destroyer in the attacking force negates this ability.

4. Combined Arms

            -Your destroyers can now conduct bombardment during an amphibious assault (attack at 3).  Your battleships can now shoot down attacking air units during the Conduct Opening Fire phase (2 attacks at 1 per battleship).

            -Whenever an enemy air unit enters a territory containing a battleship, roll 2 dice during the Conduct Opening Fire phase for each battleship ( Multiple battleships may fire). If the attacking force consists of only FTRs or only BMBRs, then both AA shots are directed at that group.  If the attacking force consists of FTRs and BMBRs, one shot is directed at each group, even if the FTR group may be immune (i.e. all Jet Fighters or all Kamikazes - in which case, one die would still be rolled vs. the BMBRs, but there is no need to roll the one die vs. the FTRs.  This is so that having Jet Fighters or Kamikazes in your attack force doesn't put your BMBRs more at risk)

            -AA shots are fired on the first cycle of combat only.

            -Battleships still get their regular roll during the Defending Units Fire Phase.

5. Major and Minor Techs

            -Major Techs cost 5IPC/roll and include Jet Power, Rockets, and Heavy Bombers

            -Minor Techs cost 4IPC/roll and include Super Subs, Long-Range Aircraft, and Combined Arms

6. New 4:2:1 Tech Rule

            -The first time you roll for a particular Tech, you must purchase a minimum of 4 rolls that turn

            -The second time you roll for that Tech, you must purchase a minimum of 2 rolls that turn

            -The third time you roll for that Tech, you must purchase 1 roll, but you automatically succeed





1. Method of Deployment

            -At the start of each country's first turn, they will select 1 NA to be used for the game

            -The NA does not come into effect until it is declared at the start of that country's first turn

            -Once declared, the NA comes into effect immediately.

            -The Axis also get one additional NA, for either Germany or Japan (Giving Axis and Allies 3 each in total), which they do not declare until the start of their second turn.



1. Trans-Siberian Railway - as in LHTR

2. Russian Winter - as in LHTR

3. Lend-Lease - as in LHTR but modified to allow any 2 Allied units to be converted per TURN.  These may be land or air units, but with a limit of 1 air unit/TURN.

4. Most Powerful Tanks - your ARM in red territories defend on a 4.



1. Panzerblitz - as in LHTR

2. Luftwaffe Dive-Bombers - as in LHTR but modified to include Land Combat only.  FTRs attack normally in Sea Combat.

3. Wolf Packs - as in LHTR but modified to do additional Convoy Raid damage as well.  When there are at least 3 (non-submerged) German SUBs in the same SZ, the enemy subtracts an additional 1IPC from their collected income, if the group of SUBs are within 2SZ of their IC.  The enemy subtracts an additional 2IPC, if the group of SUBs are within 1SZ of (ie. directly adjacent to) their IC.

4. Afrika Corps - Place 1 free INF and 1 free ARM in Libya if you own it during the Mobilize Units phase of this turn.  This can only be used once per game.

5. Most Powerful Artillery - During the first cycle of combat only, on Attack and Defense, your RTL fire in the Conduct Opening Fire phase (instead of the Attacking Units fire and Defending Units fire phases respectively).  Casualties are removed immediately.

6. Battle of the Bulge - Once per game, if SEur or WEur fall under Allied control, 4 free INF are placed in Germany immediately. If Germany itself is attacked (not including SBR or Rockets), those 4 free INF are placed in Germany immediately, before resolving combat.




1. Radar - as in LHTR

2. French Resistance - If Western Europe is under Allied control, place 2 free UK INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units phase.

3. Colonial Garrison - Place 1 free IC and 1 free INF in either ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, Aus (i.e. territories worth 2+ IPC) on Turn 1 if you control it.  The IC cannot be used until Turn 2.

4. The Commonwealth - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either ECan, Egy, SAfr, Ind, Aus (i.e. territories worth 2+ IPC) if you control it.



1. Most Powerful Battleships - as in LHTR

2. Tokyo Express - as in LHTR but modified to a capacity of 2 INF per destroyer.

3. Kaiten Torpedoes - as in LHTR but limited to 2 Kaiten Torpedoes per TURN

4. Kamikaze Attacks - as in LHTR but limited to 2 Kamikaze Attacks per TURN

5. Banzai Attacks - Your INF attack at 2 for the first cycle of combat only.  However, they may now be accompanied by aircraft or bombardment.  Accompanying RTL or ARM negate this NA.

6. Naval Advantage - Japan is given a free 12IPC which must be used this turn towards developing a Minor Tech (Combined Bombardment, Super Subs, or Long Range Aircraft).  The 4:2:1 rule still applies meaning Japan must purchase at least one additional Minor Tech roll (4IPC) if this is their first attempt at that Tech.  This can only be used once per game.



1. Mechanized Infantry - as in LHTR

2. Industrial Technology - Units 6-15IPC (SUB, TRN, DD, FTR, BMBR, IC) cost 1IPC less.  Units 16+IPC (AC, BB) cost 2IPC less.

3. Pacific Divisions - Place 1 free INF/TURN during the Mobilize Units Phase in either Sink, Chi, Kwa ,Phi ,Alsk, Haw if you control it.

4. Special Forces - During the land portion of an amphibious assault, your INF attack at 2 for the first cycle of combat only.  These INF may be matched one-for-one with a supporting RTL, in which case, their attack would increase to 3 (for the first cycle only)